Why Novena Cards?
So many times we pray for a close friend or family member, but aren't sure how best to continue to encourage them in their situation. Novena Cards were developed as a way to share our intentions with them, letting them know that we have asked the saints to pray for them. Each time they return to this card, it serves as a tangible reminder that an "all star in heaven" is praying for them and that they are loved.
Not familiar with novenas? Novenas, prayed over nine days, are a special way to focus our prayers, especially for our loved ones. This ancient tradition started with Our Lady and the apostles when they “joined together constantly in prayer” for nine days between the Ascension and Pentecost (Acts 1:14). Novenas are usually associated with a specific devotion, saint or liturgical celebration and are prayed for a specific intention or to ask God for a special grace.
Novena Card Designs
Inspired by our rich Catholic tradition of saints, holy art, prayers, and architecture, the artwork in each card combines original watercolor paintings with contemporary graphic design elements. Each card is printed on thick cardstock, intended for your loved one to put in a special place in their home as a cherished memory of your prayer. 
About Me
Ever since I was young, I've loved to create thoughtful cards and gifts for others, especially when incorporating scripture and my faith. The joy that comes from encouraging someone through a special gift has been a motivation to continue to find new ways to use my creativity. Novena cards is where this journey has led.
This journey started with my passion for collecting and re-arranging designs and colored paper on my bulletin board as a young girl, as well as my drawings of "happy people". This eventually led to art classes in college, and then to starting a greeting card and invitation business with my family.
Over time though, I found myself drawn more and more to incorporate my Catholic faith into my artwork. There are so many beautiful aspects of our faith that are my inspiration. Two aspects that are reflected within Novena Cards are my love for the saints and novena prayers. Each saint's unique journey through life is such an inspiration, and knowing we can ask our "heavenly friends" to intercede for us brings such joy and comfort!
For years, my friends and I have asked for the intercession of these wonderful saints as we prayed novenas together. The closeness that comes from sharing our prayers, love and encouragement with each other keeps me close to them, even though we may be separated by many miles. Having something tangible to share this encouragement of prayers was the reason for creating Novena Cards. My hope is that these cards will be a way for you to share the encouragement of your prayers with your loved ones.
Blessings and Joy - Kristin
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